Monday 4 August 2014

Cell Phones: Disconnecting People

Remember the time when Nokia cells used to switch on from a video showing two hands shaking with each other followed by a message 'Connecting People'. Soon, we will not be able to those hand (no, the company is not shutting down) but 'coz those hands will be busy in WhatsApping each other, and, yes, they have not seen each other's  face yet.
Yes, we now live in this peculiar world. The cell phones (a.k.a. Smart Phone) has not just become a necessity but a norm in this contemporary world. Look around and the scene is same. People with their heads down 'coz of their cell phones.The modernization of using cell phones is now in every adolescent. We now have adolescents who don't buy crayons and instead they use their iPads to paint. A grandson now teaches his grandfather how to operate a cell phone returning him as a favour when his grandfather taught him to walk. For teenagers, it has now become a routine in life to check their cell phones every instant. Just think, last year 'selfie' was declared as the 'word of the year'. Isn't irony that cell phones were created to connect with people around each other. But now we have become so 'selfie-ish' that we don't need anyone, anymore. But the problem has deeper roots in the nerves of youth. They now consider the data spread the internet as their knowledge and rely on it completely. Dare I say, the more worrying thing is that they now have lost the art of conversation. Just think about this. When was the last time you have been on outing and you have the courage to switch off your cell. Or when was the last time you had begun (or intermediate) any conversation without talking about Facebook or WhatsApp. Hard to remember, right?  I would not be wrong if I say that the cell phones have now become the fourth ingredient in 'Food, Cloth and House', and in many cases, it is the third ingredient.
Of Course, the cell phones are the new symbols of being a rich. I don't mind anyone using iphones, or any expensive android phones. Its just that I want everyone to be extra cautious while using it. Life is harder to imagine a day without it, but why not try minimize (or start depending less on) it. After all, every journey begins with a step only. 

Thursday 3 October 2013

The Shaking Faith

God. The creator of the world. The Preserver of the world. The Destroyer of the world. For Over a millennia the God has become an icon. But now the faith in the almighty is shaking. We have started believing that such a great person cannot exist and unfortunately this has become our perception.

In this new era, there is no space for mythical heroes. Yet their presence is felt in different accessories-from Rudraksh in hand to Long Garments in neck, the ancient icon now have a contemporary look. This change is too worrying. Not just because more atheists are raising but perhaps because the old LOVERS of them are also diverging their paths. A good person spends his life doing Good deeds. Yet ends with nothing in conclusion. People say," God helps those who help themselves". But if we could do all the things we want, we could achieve everything we desire, why would we need him. If Good is so good, why would he allow persons/thoughts in his created world. Why there is a partiality as "Rich v/s Poor", "White v/s Black", "Beautiful V/s Ugly" and "Followers  v/s Atheists".
But what if actually God doesn't exist. Then who would you blame for your bad result? Who would you blame for taking the love ones of your life? Who would have the courage to bear the curse you impose on him? Neither GOD because hate him nor a human being because he is too small?
So tear up the cover of atheist, burn your blankets of unfaith and see the new world without being mean and for sure you find him deep inside hidden in your HEART!

Wednesday 4 September 2013

The Family with differences

If there exists God, then it is incarnated in the form of family. There was a time when family tree used to be seen. But now the tree has shed its leaves and each leaf is preparing to grow into an individual tree. We live in an ever-connected-yet-unconnected-world. In this unique era, those who don't run with time are left behind. And now the families fall under the same category. The dissolution of a joint family into a single family could be of many reasons. May be a small family has a lot of internal disputes to settle. May be the sibling are just not mature enough. May be the elders just can't tolerate each other. Or may be a bad influence of bloody-money. The reasons are many and a single reason is more than enough. But even then the family of '4-members' faces more problems. The sibling at their adolescence fights for none. The peer pressure on the individuals disconnect them with their family and themselves too. They shed their own dream to grow in the group. Thus dissolving the surrounding. Their love adds fuel to this difference and then they shed themselves from this tree. Of all the dreams that you pursue for, make sure the priority is to make a HOME and not HOUSE like others in your street. Do remember, when everyone was with you they were smiling for you, when no-one will be there for you to support, they will. They will be ready for any PRICE  provided you VALUE them. Solitude never helps. Family does. Bless yourself and your family too.

Friday 14 June 2013

And the Result is Out!

It was 1 a.m. and the phone started ringing. The other voice said to me, "All clear or not?". I was too afraid of the result and I responded," I don't know". He said give me your enrollment no. and I said wait I will check out and call you back in a minute. I log into the site. I was all clear and happiness started pouring out into the veins from my heart. The next day I went to college, I saw colleagues discussing about their result. Everyone was celebrating or mourning over the result. Some believed they hoped for better while other were happy because they were all clear. But I was in a firm tension. I always give priority to damn things in my life like making parents comfortable, giving sibling a laugh a day, reading magazines and improving the life of the related ones. But people don't care about it. They don't care for your love on the latest gadgets in the market neither they think its important. They care for MARKS and MARKS. A student has frustration for marks as he might be labelled as a non performer and unsuccessful. The society prejudice you based on your marks. For them your scorecard is more than enough. They might have never heard the great stories of successful dropout like Steve Jobs, Billgates, Sir Richard Branson and Mark Zuckenberg to name a few. But they forget on thing.What will be their cry even if their child tops in a university and leaves them for his personal agenda and growth. What if the child grows into powerful person and calls just to say "Sorry, but I don't have anytime to waste on you?". So start giving him space even if he scores less. Start motivating and let master him in his area of interest even if it results him earning less income. Initiate him being a less egoistic and make him a responsible and respected citizen of the society.